
Chapter 1
Have your chapter 1 note reference from this link
nmsreference: ......
1. NMS-Chapter 1
2. Example architecture description

" Basically the 1st chapter here discuss on the introduction of the common terms related with NMS area. There are 5 basic management functions that will be introduce here, that includes, configuration mgt, fault mgt, performance, accounting and security mgt.3 types of architecture: centralized, hierarchical and distributed architecture, basic NMS layout structure and many more". Enjoy...n have fun! :)

Group assignment 1: Network design Issues
This assignment will give student briefly the idea about the current issues in variety type or design area in networking..so that they can relate with the NMS itself.

Best Presentation:
- NFC- NearFieldCommunication
- Mobile Network
- Unifi

Excercise to submit:
Excercise 1

Excercise 2

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